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Why do I need life insurance?

Insurance can be a topic that is often misunderstood; life insurance is even more misunderstood than home and auto insurance.  Home and auto insurance can protect tangible things, your house, your wedding ring, your car, and many other things.  What does life insurance protect?  For starters it also helps protect your house, auto and many of your tangible things.  How long would it take for your family to feel the impact of losing your income? Would losing your income hurt your family’s ability to keep your house and car?  According to “about 38% of Americans believe they would feel the financial impact from the death of the primary wage earner within a month of their passing”.  One month is not a very long time considering that income is gone for life.  Protecting your home and auto isn’t all life insurance can do?  It can provide you money for funeral expenses, college tuition, credit card debt, loans, and daily living expenses (  When you look at all that life insurance can protect, the cost seems to be secondary at that point.  So where can you get your life insurance? There are few options but talking to your insurance agent is a great place to start.


I get life insurance through my work.  That is a statement a lot of people make when being ask about their life insurance needs.  Do you know how much life insurance you have through your work?  Typically it is not enough value to cover what you need.  There are many online life insurance calculators to help you with need. has one.  You can also call us at 412-344-2800 or email us or contact us via our social sites with the buttons in the top right hand column.  What would happen if you leave your job?  Would your life insurance stay at your old job?  Most life insurance through work plans is only good if you stay at your job.  Thinking you can just get life after you leave your job if you need it, maybe yes but at a cost.  Life insurance is dependent on certain factors like age and health.  Buying life insurance early while you are young and in good health can save you money now and down the road by not having to pay larger premiums due to disease and health issues. 


With all of the things life insurance can protect, it has to be expensive right?  Most Americans overestimate the cost of life insurance by a great deal.  Term life insurance can be a cost effective way to give you a death benefit.  Term insurance covers you for a length of time for a set amount of coverage.  30 years at 300,000 would be an example of a possible term policy.  Here is something else to consider, your life insurance policy can give you a discount on your home and auto.  When you look at your insurance cost on a monthly basis, the cost could be very insignificant.  Other life insurance products can not only protect your loved ones after you passing but provide a cash value to you.  To find out what life insurance could cost you, contact us.  Let us find you the right coverage at the right price and take the guessing out of life insurance.