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The furnace is good, now what?

Your furnace is winterized and ready to go, but how can you help your furnace not run as much.  One thing you can do is run your ceiling fans in reverse.  Running ceiling fans in reverse causes the hotter air that is at the top of the room to be sent down towards the bottom of the room or house.  According to Popular Mechanics, this could cut your heating cost up to ten percent. 


Drafts from windows and doors can cause your furnace to work overtime as well.  One simple way to block drafts is to roll up a towel or fabric and place it around door jams that are leaking heat.  A more costly solution is installing storm doors and windows.  Popular mechanics states that a door snake could save you between 5 and 30 percent on your heating, storm doors and windows can be up to 45%.  This could be worth the extra money in the long run.  Weather stripping could be a good middle ground between the two or extra reinforcements.  In the same idea category, re-caulking around your windows can help as well.  Both of these options are cost effected and usually easy to DIY.  Worried about the look of your winterizing?  Try heavier curtains.  Heavier curtains can look stylish and help cut the draft sneaking through windows. 


Keeping checking our blog this month as we continue to look at ways to winterize your home to keep you safe and save you money. 

