What is an insurance review and do you need one for your auto and home insurance? An insurance review gives you a change to talk about changes that have happened since your auto and home insurance policies were issued. Think about the last couple of years. How many changes happened in your life? Many of those changes impact your insurance needs and premium.
What could have changed about my auto insurance?
There are a lot of possible factors that could impact your auto insurance needs and premium. For one, it is a good idea to review your policy and make sure the correct vehicles are listed. Two, is the address correct? A policy on auto debit may not have the correct address because you are not looking for a bill in the mail. After that you get into lifestyle changes. Many people are telecommuting to work since the pandemic, therefore having a work class for auto in incorrect. If you are still commuting are you closer to your job? Again, that can positively impact your auto insurance premiums. A higher paying job or a new house could mean you need a higher limit for your liability.
Can my home insurance change too?
Your home insurance can be another place that needs a review. An addition or a remodel can be one area that would need a change to your insurance. Improvements to your home like these can cause the value to increase. That value needs to be change for your dwelling to make sure that you are not hit with a coinsurance claim. Are you sure that your home is receiving a multi-policy discount for having your auto with the same company? Another area that would need to be addressed is the purchase of jewelry? Do you need to schedule watches, rings and other jewelry on your home insurance? All of these items could trigger a need to review your home insurance.
Don’t forget about your life insurance needs.
Did you get married recently? In addition to you and your wife is there a new child? Similarly, is a child going to college and having you co-sign on their loans? In addition to home and auto reviews your life insurance needs are a great thing to review. For instance, all the situations above could require life insurance to fill a financial gap. You may also be eligible for a discount on your home and auto with a life policy.
How can I get an insurance review?
There are many ways that you can reach us. You can give us a call at 412-344-2800. Another way to reach us is via our client center on our website. Finally, we are active on social media as well. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Click the site word to go to our page. Get a hold of us and we can set up an insurance review of your home and auto insurance. While you are reaching out to us we would like to ask you to leave us a review as well. Click here to leave us one.