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Looking for a last minute Christmas gift?

By December 16, 2019August 10th, 2020Insurance

Christmas can be the time of year when we reflect on what our family means to us. We try to come up with thoughtful gifts that convey what the person receiving the gift means to us. One gift that can convey what our loved ones mean to us is life insurance. Life insurance can be a gift that secures our loved ones future in the event that we die. The death benefit of life insurance can be used to replace the income of a bread winner, cover the cost of a loan, or give a loved one the chance to go to school. Term life insurance can usually be a cost effective product that meets your needs. In some cases that policy can get you a discount on your home and auto as well. Give us a call at 412-344-2800 or click the buttons at the upper right hand corner to contact us.