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Is there insurance to keep my identity safe?

By December 13, 2019August 10th, 2020Insurance

Many people do their shopping online during the holiday season. This can lead to an increased risk for identity theft. Is there any insurance policy that can keep you safe from identity theft? There is no policy that can prevent theft, but there are some insurance options to help you in the event of a identity theft on your homeowners policy. Most companies allow you to put some sort of identity theft endorsement on your home owners insurance policy, this endorsement can help with things like re-filing applications for loans, grants, and other credit instruments. This coverage can also help you with things like legal fees for civil suits brought on by collection agencies, ordering of credits reports and notarizing of affidavits and other documents. Usually this coverage is cost effective with insurance premiums being as little as 20 dollars for the year for this endorsement.

Of course using your homeowners insurance policy is a worst case scenario situation. Avoiding a theft is the best form of protection. Try to avoid using wi-fi when making purchases and use a secure network when possible. Use a computer with a good anti-virus software. According to life lock ( be careful of email offers that could take you to illegitimate sites. Also be sure to double check that sites you are going to are legitimate. It is also a good idea to check your credit report and your bank accounts regularly during times of high online purchase activity.

Have fun shopping and enjoying time with friends and family. Watch out for your safety too whether its in an auto, your home, or your identity.