Is your homeowners policy ready for Spring weather and Spring storms? Spring weather can bring a variety of problems. Typically, strong storms are associated with the Spring season. These storms can bring hail damage, heavy rains, and flooding among other things. Most of these items are covered by your homeowners insurance, however there could be coverage gaps that you are unaware of in your home insurance.
What does my policy cover for storm damage?
Typically your homeowners insurance will cover the basics, rain damage, wind, and hail damage. One peril that can cause issues for home owners is hail damage. Every Spring you will see companies come into the area saying they are “roof experts”. What these “roof experts” do is drive to areas where storm damage may have occurred. After arriving they drive around and get homeowners to turn in hail claims to their insurance company. If there is actual hail damage there is no problem, however, many times these companies manufacturer hail damage with their hammers.
This practice cost all homeowners money due to companies paying out on claims that they shouldn’t have. This causes an increase in premiums for everyone. Another, area where this hurts is the relationship with the client. In other words, insureds get upset with their insurance company for a claim denial. Remember that hail damage will have other damage not confined to just the roof. For instance, hail damage will dent gutters and shutters. In addition companies can look at pictures of before and directly after satellite photos to pinpoint when a dent took place. Above all work with your adjustor and your agent if you think you have hail damage.
What storm damage would not be covered?
The short answer is flood damage. Flood damage would have to be claimed on a flood policy not a homeowners policy. Similarly, damage from surface water is considered a flood claim. Those heavy rains that cause water to come in through your basement would not be covered. Unfortunately that would count as a flood. Other areas that may not be covered are underground service lines and sewer and drain backups. These issues though have solutions through your homeowners policy by endorsement.
How can I add these coverages?
You can call us at 412-344-2800. You can also reach out to us via our client center. Similarly, you can reach us on social media at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you want more insurance content check out our other blog post or our YouTube channel. We hope that everyone has a safe Spring storm season and an uneventful homeowners insurance policy.