You have probably noticed that your auto insurance bill has been rising. Most companies have taken double digit rate increases over the last couple of years on their auto insurance policies. If you have not taken the time to look at your auto insurance now might be the time to look.
Can anything be done about rising rates?
One company, Erie Insurance offers an auto insurance policy called rate lock. This policy does exactly like it sounds, this policy locks in a rate till you make one of three changes. Those changes are moving, changing a car, or changing drivers. This auto insurance product can help you budget your auto insurnace cost.
How can I find out if this auto policy is right for me?
Give us a call and we can give you a quote and discuss this auto insurance policy with you. In your case this policy might be good for you, but it might not work out for you also. You can reach us at 412-344-2800 or through our website here. If you want more information on what your auto policy could look like, give us a look at our auto insurance page.
Can I reach you or find more info elsewhere?
We are on social media as well. You can find us on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Reach out to us, and we can find if a rate lock auto insurance policy is best for you.