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April Showers bring flooding!

In the saying April Showers bring May flowers, but in real life April Showers can bring flooding.  Flooding can be a huge issue for us around the Pittsburgh area.  Last year flooding plagued the area and caused significant damage.  We wanted to take this time to remind you that flooding is typically not included on your policy.  Flood coverage is typically written on a flood policy and backed by FEMA.  According to the National Flood Insurance Program, a flood is a “general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or two or more properties”.  One thing to keep in mind with that definition and with your insurance policy is that surface water is considered a flood.  Based on surface water causing the damage, this event would be considered a flood and not subject to insurance unless a flood policy is in force.  If you live in a flood zone typically you would have a flood policy as it would most likely be required for your closing.  If you do not live in a flood zone you can still purchase flood insurance, it is typically cheaper being in a non-flood zone.  Some private carriers have started to write flood insurance on a commercial policy along with a select few personal lines companies.  As always reach out to us if you have questions and let us verify that you are insured properly.