The month of April is here. Warmer weather will allow us to leave our homes and go outside. What happens though when we get outside and see that winter was a lot harder on our home than we thought? The winter months can be hard on many things, gutters can clog, driveways and walks can become uneven or cracked and dead tree branches and shrubbery debris can leave your yard a mess. Spring can be a good time to check and clean the gutters. Keeping the gutters clear can keep water from backing up and running into your house. It would also be a good time to examine the windows and doors around your house. Winter weather can wear out weather stripping and caulking. Worn out weather stripping and caulking can let moisture enter the house and cause further damage. Repairs to the driveway and walks can keep your family and guest safe from trip and falls. Sealing your driveway or leveling uneven payment can be a good way to keep everyone safe. Also while outside check the lawn mower and lawn care items. Spring can be a good time to change mower oil and sharpen the blades. Observe proper safety measures while sharpening the blades if you do that job yourself. After putting gas in the lawn mower make sure to store excess gas in a well ventilated area so that it is properly stored. Finally for the outside, when was the last time that you had your air conditioner serviced. Spring is a good time to have your HVAC professional check your air conditioner so you are ready to make the switch from heat to AC. These tips can get your outside ready for summer and help keep you and quests safe. Follow us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram for other tips and tools. You can use the buttons on the page to connect to each of our sites or drop us an email.