Spring time is here, and with it comes a different set of threats to your auto insurance. Spring time is the first chance that a lot of people have to get outside in a long time. However, an increase in people outside can be a hazard for your auto insurance. While driving be mindful of the increased activity outside. First, there are more pedestrians out walking and kids out playing. While driving in neighborhoods be aware of these risk. One of the places to be most careful is cars parked on the side of the road. Cars parked on the side of the road provide opportunity for kids to run out in front of your car unexpectedly. When not in a neighborhood, you could see and increase in motorcycles and bicycles. It can be difficult at times to see these because of smaller profile than cars and trucks have.
What other hazards could Spring bring for my auto insurance?
People are not the only ones that have been stuck inside for months. Animals are also getting their first taste of the outside in sometime. When in neighborhoods or residential areas be aware that pets could dart out in front of you the same way that a child could. Don’t forget about other animals, in other words be attentive in areas where there are woods or farms. Keep in mind that a lot of animals are more active at dawn and dusk which could increase your risk of an encounter.
Spring can also bring weather hazards to your auto insurance.
Spring weather is usually thought of in regards to your home insurance, however, it can also affect your auto insurance. Rain storms in Spring can make driving difficult. Heavy rains and wind can eliminate visibility when driving very quickly. Those same rains can make stopping your vehicle more difficult. Wet roads can lead to longer stopping times and skidding. While driving, keep a safe distance during rain storms. If you have to pull over during a storm, remember that other drivers may not be able to see you as well as in sunny conditions. Use hazard lights and flares if needed.
What if I have questions or want more info?
If you want to know more about how Spring hazards can impact your auto insurance or have questions, we are here for you. There are a variety of ways that you can reach us. We are available at 412-344-2800. Another way to contact us is via our client center on this website. If you need to contact a company direct, you can do that via our companies page. You can also get more insurance related info on our social media pages. We have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube page. Here you can keep up with the agency and get more safety info. We hope that everyone enjoys Spring and can avoid hazards that could impact their auto insurance.