Grilling season will be here soon, how can you keep your homewoners insurance from a claim? According to NFPA, grilling is repsonsible for about 10,600 home fires each year between 2014 and 2018. These fires resulted in on average 10 deaths and $149 million in property damage. That is a lot of homeowners insurance claims. Grill fires were most likely to happen when cooking materials and flammable liquids or gas ignited. Most grill fires involve a gas grill, however, about 12 percent of grill fires involve charcoal. A lot factors can contribute to a grill fire however, the leading causes are failure to clean, leaks or breaks in lines, unattended grills, and grills to close to a structure.
All is not bad however, there are ways you can enjoy grilling season without a homeowners insurance claim. First, you can place your grill in a safe place. Your grill should be 10 feet away from your house. The grill should also be away from trees, overhangs, and other flamable materials on a flat surface. Before, grilling be sure to clean your grill. Make sure that there are no grease build ups near burners. After, cleaning inspect the lines to make sure there are no breakages or leaks. You can use soapy water to check for leaks.
After your pre-light check, you are not free of grilling season dangers to your homeowners insurance. When grilling always have a fire extinquisher or at mininum baking soda near by. If you are using a gas grill never us lighter fluid to help ignite the grill. For charcoal a little lighter fluid can help start the process, but use sparringly. If you are using a gas grill remember to only light the grill with the lid open.
While grilling remember to never leave your grill unattended and do not overload your grill. Furthermore, remember to always turn your grill off when you are done. These tips can help you survive grilling season without using your homeowners insurance.
If you want more infomoration about insurance topics and safety. Follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Come check us out. If you do have a grilling claim, you can contact us at our client center, or reach your insurance company direct via our companies page.