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How can hot temperatures affect your auto insurance?

By July 22, 2022Insurance, safety, summer

Will the hot summer temperatures leave you needing to use your auto insurance?  Summer months can lead to a variety of dangerous situations, some of which can affect your insurance.  When people think of the summer months and weather related issues they may not think about your car insurance.  Heavy summer rains can cause problems for your auto insurance.  Flash flooding can leave your car inusrance with a comp claim for damage to the interior or engine.  

Is a road trip in your future?

Summer road trips can also have an affect on your auto insurance.  The summer months typically mean more driving, whether it is to and from your kids games or a trip for vacation.  This increased road time can lead to an increased risk to use your auto insurance.  Remeber that drowsy driving can be as bad a drunk driving.  Make sure you are well rested before heading out on the roads.  Also be observant of the increased summer traffic.

The hot summer heat can lead to an over heating vehicle.  

One other area that your auto insurance may be involved in is a road service claim.  Checking engine coolant and other fluids can help you avoid this type of claim.  It is also a good idea to check your tire pressures to avoid over inflating.  Keep in mind that extreme temperatures can also destroy your vehicles battery.  

What should I do if I have a summer heat driving issue? 

You can always call us at 412-344-2800.  Our companies contact info can be found here, on our companies page.  We can also be contacted via our client center.  If you want more insurance related info you can follow us on social media.  We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.  We hope that everyone has a great and safe rest of their summer.