Doing a little fall maintenance could save you money on your home insurance by reducing your risk of a claim. Many of us do not think about the impact of maintenance on your home insurance. Some items on your list can be DIY, others you may need a professional.
Your gutters are very important to your home.
One part of your fall maintenance that you do not want to over look for your home insurance is your gutters. Cleaning your gutters can be done with an old plastic spatula. Remove all leaves and debris from the gutter. Next make sure your gutters are straight. You can probably DIY this one yourself too. Check out the website for easy DIY gutter fixes. When working on and cleaning your gutters do not forget the gutter spouts. Remove wet leaves and other debris.
Remember that bad gutters can cause foundation damage, structural stress, and mold or mildew as well as basement flooding. Clogged gutters can also cause wall and ceiling damage if the water seeps inside. Standing water in gutters can also attract mosquitos.
What other fall maintenance should I be looking to do?
We will be posting more fall maintenence tips for your home insurance in the coming weeks. You can also find more safety and insurance information on our social media accounts. Currently we are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you need to contact us you can reach us at our client center. We also post regularly on this blog.